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Technical Writer Job Description

Technical Writer Job Description

Organisations hire capable writers to ensure that their users or target audience can easily understand all their complex information. Almost every IT company requires technical writers. Why? To publish easy-to-understand and valuable content on their platforms and to deliver a certain message to visitors clearly. 

Any company mentioning the job description must mention the values and culture of their organisation with transparency in direct language. It’s good to inform the candidate about their expectations, pay scale, responsibilities when hired, and other important details of your organization. 

Let’s understand the roles and responsibilities that make up a technical writing job description.

Understanding the Position of a Technical Writer

Technical writers take the responsibility to explain certain topics and procedures to individuals on behalf of multiple industries. Industries such as IT, healthcare, etc. These professionals communicate their ideas through manuals, guidebooks or brochures. They are professional writers, producing guides and instructions for readers to understand a specific project easily. They might work with a particular organisation to create content for them or through a certain organisation. 

Companies hire technical writers to act as a communication bridge on their behalf. However, the organization you work for and your position might assign you different responsibilities and tasks. A writer must also observe, research, and create content based on their research.

Duties and Responsibilities in a Technical Writer Job

When companies are crafting a technical writer job description, they need to list down all the responsibilities clearly. These responsibilities will fall under the position they are seeking to hire. Organizations commonly assign technical writers responsibilities such as:

  • Researching, outlining, writing, and editing the content, and working in collaboration with various things to understand the requirements of the project.
  • Collecting valuable and reliable information from subject matter experts. Also, organising and writing manuals, documentation, and technical specifications in an easy-to-understand language.
  • Working in collaboration with the support and development leads to identifying the repositories of the documentation. Also, finding the best solutions for central storage and data compilation.
  • Creating and maintaining information templates that align with the legal standards and goals of the organisations, plus easy data migration.
  • Craft content in different forms and structures to maximise usability.

Skills Required to Become a Technical Writer

When planning to grab a position as a Technical writer at some of the best organisations, ensure to establish the following skills:

In-depth Knowledge 

Before you begin writing content about a certain product or feature, gain an in-depth understanding of the product or service. It is essential to have skills to understand a certain product’s features carefully and write about it in a structure.

Master Communication

You must have amazing communication skills. This affects the way you communicate with the target audience. You explain a specific product or a feature for a greater impact if you are good at communication skills.

Basic Web Design and Graphic Skills

You must be well-versed in some basic web designing and graphic skills to structure your content for visual attraction. Try using different tools to create a graphical layout, which can easily explain complex parts of your content to the readers.

Research Skills

In the absence of research skills, it can be challenging to master the profession of technical writing. Hence, it is crucial to conduct in-depth research about the given topic in order to create clear and meaningful content. 

Furthermore, any writer must have a complete understanding of the target audience and the product. Also, this knowledge only comes from proper audience analysis and thorough research. Moreover, you must also be knowledgeable about how to capture and present the data to your audience.

Having the right skills and good knowledge, a technical writer earns an average of 5 to 7 lacs per annum. However, the salaries can definitely vary depending on the organisation, location, experience, working hours, skills, and other factors.


A technical writer’s job description put forward by a company must list the qualifications, responsibilities, skills, and objectives. If you seek to begin your career as a technical writer, start by polishing your skills and enhancing your knowledge. Additionally, if you are aspiring to the position, you can proceed even after your graduation. However, the right knowledge and skills will always be mandatory.

Moreover, the best part of entering the profession of a technical writer is applying for a technical writing internship and getting hands-on experience and practice. Once you’re done with an internship, you gain enough knowledge about the responsibilities and other factors. This step makes you ready for future career opportunities. Therefore, it is always important to go through the job descriptions put forward by the company. Also, cross-check whether your skills align with the requirements mentioned there.

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