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From the pressure of increasing engagements to delivering content regularly, replying to your audience and urging them to react, writing for social media can be tricky and requires special art. 

Do not worry!

You can modify your traditional writing with certain tips. Why do content writers need tips if they are in the habit of regularly curating content? Ever done scrolling and scrolling through the home page of social media platforms, ignoring bulky content?

That’s the answer to your question. Though we habitually post, our audiences scroll them out without noticing our content, which does not get a satisfactory reach. 

The hard work goes wasted if the audience is uninterested in the post. How to avoid such mistakes and increase the value of your content?  The article covers how a content writer can increase readers’ interest by posting quality content on social media.

Know Your Audience

A content writer can deliver valuable content with the right approach. Stay clear about who you are posting the content for. Set your target audience, and stick to the content based on the reader’s interest, preferences, demographics and behaviour. It will help attract your target audience, as they can resonate their life with your point of view. 

💡Tip: The content should be designed so your audience thinks it is specifically made for them.

Deliver The Content With Clear Objectives

Think about your goals for content and strategise your direction accordingly. Suppose, if you have to promote the brand, you have to mention only the features a brand possesses, like how it benefits the audience, its quality and affordability. 

When you post content with the aim of building an online portfolio such that it attracts your potential clients for freelance or full-time work, then you have to provide your way of working, the pros, how your work is different from other freelancers, and the perks of your background.

💡Tip: Choose a niche and write your content on the same. Do not fall into the trap of adding everything on a single page to attract visitors. 

Your Tone Must Be Consistent

Decided your topic but do not know how to deliver your views and thoughts? Sometimes it is hard to determine which tone to follow to build a recognisable identity. Knowing your audience plays a key role in this situation. Deliver your content accordingly.

Whether professional, friendly, formal or casual, the tone stabilises the reader’s mind who is reading your content. A sudden change in tone may lead to a negative impact. It does not matter how strong the content you post is, the tone or voice of your content always matters.

💡Tip: Use examples, quotes, and anecdotes to set the desired tone, rather than simply stating it. These elements help your audience connect emotionally and intellectually with your content.

Concise And Engaging Content

Whatever a content writer posts, it must be short yet deliver clear content. Social media platforms are a fast-paced environment where audiences prefer relatable content to their life. A quick scroll is the habit of every social media platform user. They stop when they find content they can resonate with. 

To attract viewers’ attention, stay focussed on precise and engaging content that provokes them to return to your post even after scrolling. 

💡Tip: Deliver strong headlines and captions with a bold or captivating style.

Content Must Be Platform-Specific

Every social media platform is suitable for certain goals. LinkedIn posts involve professional and informative content. Instagram promotes informative, brand-promoting, self-promoting, entertainment and many more types of content. Each holds a different way of portraying content with unique features for viewers’ expectations. A content writer must deliver according to the same. For example, Instagram users seek visual storytelling content, and Twitter focuses on brevity.

💡Tip: Research the audience of your niche and check out successful brands in the same. 


Why is storytelling important for content writers? How does it increase your post reach? Storytelling is the best way to deliver your important points while making the content engaging and getting your readers hooked. Deliver your ideas and thoughts with examples, success stories, behind-scene glimpses, and similar approaches. It increases the value of your content and generates an emotional connection with the target audience. Remember, the more the audience resonates, the higher the reach.

💡Tip: Keep your stories precise and add a hook statement at the very beginning. 

Add Visually Appealing Content

While posting your content, choose images, demographics, GIFs, or videos wisely to convey your message effectively. The audience attracts more to the visually appealing content relevant to your post than your text content alone.

💡Tip: Use high-resolution images and maintain a consistent visual identity— the same colour palette, fonts, and style to create a recognizable brand presence.

Wise Usage Of Hashtags

Always use relevant and trending hashtags to increase the discoverability of your post on social media platforms. People look for their interests using hashtags. If they find your post using the same, it increases the content reach better than not using the hashtag. 

💡Tip: Remember, over-usage of hashtags may mark your post as spam. 

Add Appropriate Spacing

You must have ignored bulky content while scrolling through social media platforms. Naturally, readers always look for concise information in an eye-catching avatar. 

💡Tip: Having a little long content and want to increase the reach? Add spacing after every line to grab attention. Implementing uniform spacing highlights your content, focusing on every point you have covered for your content.

Monitor, Engage And Respond

Certain social media platforms provide analytics to monitor your activity, post-performance, etc. It helps you to observe your reach, interested target audience, engagement rates of viewers, and much more. Social media platforms are two-way communication channels that require your engagement too, not just of the readers. 

💡Tip: Do not post and disappear. Try to connect with your audience through questionnaires, polls, and comments involving encouraging discussions and incorporate the changes into your content accordingly. It builds strong relationships with your audiences and increases your post reach within a few days. 

Importance Of Relevant, Trendy, Ethical And Transparent Content

Cover the trending topics and relate them to your brand identity. A content writer must stay updated and be authentic in whatever information it provides to audiences. It must not contain false, negative, provoking information influencing the audience negatively. Be transparent with your content and provide references if required.

💡Tip: Newsjacking is one of the most striking techniques for content curation. The practice of taking advantage of current events to promote or advertise your product or brand, helps capture the audience.

Experiment And Adapt

Bored of delivering your content in the same pattern? Want to try something new but afraid of losing reach and visibility? Change is an important aspect of evolution for a content writer. Strategise your new ideas and content formats and deliver without any doubt. Sometimes it may not go as expected, but it might work someday. Adapt and evolve accordingly.

Wrapping Up

Different social media platforms require a different approach to posting valuable content. A content writer must know the basic criteria to post strong, concise and engaging content to grab the target audience’s attention and engage them till the end!

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