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Content Writing Tips

With different curiosities and numerous questions, a simple Google search brings forward approximately lakhs of results within a second. Behind this awe-inspiring repository of information lies the tireless ingenuity of content writers, the architects of this vast digital realm. They come up with content that satisfies the reader and their curiosity. 

If you are planning to be one of those contributors, here are the three most important content writing tips from a content writer’s perspective that help them master the craft and deliver quality content.

1. Hunt and Master the Metrics

Regardless of a broad spectrum, each article has a specific set of target audiences and purposes. So, when curating a perfect article, keep the following content writing tips in consideration:

  • It includes relevant and accurate points to deliver the information.
  • It is well-researched, with at least one unique point to outshine others.
  • It offers enhanced readability and easy flow that ensure the reader completes the full article subconsciously.

Post working on the considerations above, question the business. What is the target of the business you are writing for? For instance, is it to increase the number of site visitors, expand the business, redirect the visitors to a specific page or recommend some products? 

When you know the why, pointing out how is comparatively simpler. Put yourself in the shoes of the target audience and judge other pages with this perspective. Did you find gaps in several pages, or did a new idea strike your mind? Voila! That gives you your answer on how to frame your article to specifically enhance the business.  

2. Plan Out a Compelling Structure

One of my personal ideal methods to begin writing is to plan. Penning down your random thoughts is an alternative but a messy and lengthy method. Our thoughts are rarely organised, which tends to impact the writing. So, curating the headings gives you a structure for the article and a direction for your mind. Else, it wanders to all the available points and struggles to find the most relevant ones from all that seem fascinating. 

  • One is to find the relevant headings concerning your target audience and business
  • The second is to closely analyse the contents of each heading

For instance, let us consider an article to be written on Chandrayaan 3 launched by ISRO. An article can be curated for a general audience looking for India’s success in current and previous missions. At the same time, another article can have a technical perspective on ISRO’s specific changes from past missions, how its considerations and failures were rectified in this mission and other specifications. The headings and content will obviously vary for the two, targeting different sets of audiences. 

3. Curate Reader-Centric Content

A reader-friendly article takes into consideration two important aspects: 

  • Clarity and Simplicity: A reader-friendly article avoids unnecessary jargon or complex terms that might confuse the audience. It presents the information in a logical and coherent manner. Short sentences and paragraphs are preferred over lengthy ones. A well-defined structure with headings, subheadings, and bullet points breaks the article into easily digestible chunks.
  • Engaging and Relevant Content: It offers valuable and relevant information that aligns with the readers’ interests or addresses their specific queries and curiosities. Relevancy will depend on the audience. When targeting students, storytelling, real-life examples, or relatable scenarios work wonders but for research candidates in-depth information is a prerequisite. In both cases adding visual elements like images, infographics, or videos enhance the article’s appeal and make it more reader-friendly.

For instance, when delivering refined content without using terms like ‘former’, ‘latter’, ‘aforementioned’ and others. These words are certain to enhance the quality but might compromise with readers’ will to continue or complete the article or will add to the confusion of a reader who is trying to skim through the content. 

Key Takeaways

Content writers play a crucial role in providing information and satisfying readers. It is essential for them to master the metrics by focusing on relevant and accurate content, unique points, and enhanced readability. Understanding the business goals to frame the article is one of the best content writing tips to effectively help cater to the target audience. So, with each word that you pen as a content writer, create a symphony of clarity and engagement, leaving a mark on the hearts and minds of those you reach.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. From which topic should I begin the article?

Ans. Ideally, begin with planning and writing the body of your content. It should be followed by an introduction and conclusion. 

Q2. What tools should I use while writing content?

Ans. Using grammar correction and plagiarism-checking tools is recommended to provide quality content. 

Q3. Why should you use hashtags in your content?

Ans. Hashtags influence discoverability on Google searches on social media platforms while simultaneously boosting engagement. 

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