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In today’s day and age, where the traffic on the internet is enormous, how do you keep up with the rising demands of content creation? Can you make entirely unique content every day to keep it trending? Content has a shelf life. When you press “publish,” it is born; when readers stop reading it, it dies. However, that lifespan is all too frequently brief. After an initial flurry of interest, your content loses its novelty and fails to capture readers’ attention. What you need is content repurposing. You might ask, what is content repurpose meaning?
Let us find out!

What Is Content Repurposing, And What Is Its Meaning?

Reusing entire or parts of existing content to increase its reach is “repurposing content” or “content recycling.” Usually, repurposed content is changed into a new format, for example, turning a blog post into an infographic or a social media post.

Every content marketer nowadays uses the strategy of repurposing content. Reusing content to reach more people is a fantastic opportunity. Many of us completely ignore all the unique content we’ve already created because we’re so busy producing piece after piece.

Why Should You Repurpose Content?

Repurpose meaning refers to giving a fresh and new life to the content you have already created. In addition to the fact that the challenging task of producing content has already been completed, here are a few more advantages of repurposing content:

Expanding Your Audience

The performance of a piece of content may be average when you first publish it. But eventually, it gains traction and performs a little bit better. You can reach new audience segments, which might not have been the case when you repurpose that content in a new format or update it.

Strengthening Your Point

Repurposing your articles will help you consistently communicate your message to your audience instead of just covering a subject once and letting it fade into obscurity. If you start with high-value, authoritative content, this works amazingly well. It makes it simpler to develop original ways to amplify your point. Before you find that old treasure, it might take months or even years. By repurposing your content, you can bring up an old favourite and place it in the limelight again, but with a new purpose, presentation and potency.

Increased Organic Visibility

Most of the site traffic comes from organic search. If so, repurposing optimized content in different formats can significantly increase your organic visibility and traffic. Publishing a variety of content increases your ability to find real estate for specific searches. Backlinks are a perk of posting your content on other websites and are sometimes helpful.

Increased Organic Visibility

Most of the site traffic comes from organic search. If so, repurposing optimized content in different formats can significantly increase your organic visibility and traffic. Publishing a variety of content increases your ability to find real estate for specific searches. Backlinks are a perk of posting your content on other websites and are sometimes helpful.

Saves Time

It takes a lot of time to make high-quality content. The list of tasks is endless and may include keyword research, brainstorming on theme ideas, writing a script for a video, gathering quotes from professionals, and more. The time it takes to put together a helpful resource can consume a significant portion of your week. For the majority of us, this cycle keeps repeating itself. However, you can reuse content and save time by using old articles, videos, or other assets instead of creating new ones.

You Can Maximize Your content

Last but not least, you’ll ensure that each piece of content gives you the greatest return on investment. It enables you to extract every ounce of the potential of your content.

Which Type of Content Can You Repurpose?

When considering whether a particular piece of your content is worth repurposing, there are crucial things to consider:

Discover your timeless content

No matter how much time passes, evergreen content remains timeless. It usually focuses on a subject that your audience will be genuinely interested in and will continue to search for information about. It excludes trendy topics and data that change with the seasons. Use only your evergreen content when choosing which of your pieces to repurpose. Through this, you can be sure that your efforts will generate rewards in the future.

Utilize your most well-liked content

Examining your most well-liked content is another way to discover material that merits repurposing. What has struck a chord the most with your audience? Which article received the most shares on Twitter and Facebook? Which of your YouTube videos has garnered the most attention? Determine which blog posts and videos are the most popular based on traffic, shares, and even comments (this will tell you how your audience has perceived this piece). Any work with a high score in one of these categories is an excellent place to start.

Ten Unique Ways To Purpose Content- Turning Conversations Into Content

The next step after selecting your content for repurposing is to determine how to do it and how to distribute it. Let’s discuss some unique ways to repurpose content:

1. Turn content into podcasts

Create a podcast episode from a blog post with the information you’d like to delve deeper into. A lengthy ultimate guide you’ve written might be good stuff for a podcast episode. Additionally, podcasts increase the attention of the audience for your content, which is the ultimate meaning of content repurposing. You can elaborate on the details and use the examples from the post conversationally by creating a podcast episode or a series of them.

2. Turn content into an eBook

If you turn any content to repurpose, meaning that you recreate it with new additions, it will help you generate a new audience. Ebooks are a great way to achieve that. Ebooks strengthen your company’s reputation and are effective. An ebook covers a wide range of topics – channel growth, marketing psychology, customer support, and professional advice, to name a few.

3. Make a notes summary to upload on social media

In the Notes app, note the most critical points from your post before sharing it online. It could be a list of the main points from the old post, or you could summarise it with some additional information and consequently repurpose the content.

4. Turn a webinar into a video

You organize a webinar that draws a sizable audience. A resounding success! But, inevitably, some people won’t be able to attend your webinar, and months later, you’ll have new site visitors who might not have any clue of what they missed. Don’t let that excellent webinar go into oblivion. Your unique content will be perpetuated if you turn that webinar into a YouTube video. Not only will that asset look great on your website, but you might also use YouTube to attract more visitors!

5. Create an infographic from a blog post

Making an infographic from a blog post or report with content that could be displayed visually (such as statistics) is another way to repurpose the content. You don’t even need to pay a graphic designer to make one. You can create your infographics using various online tools that offer drag-and-drop builders and templates.

6. Repurpose your PowerPoint content into a slide deck

Suppose you have created an excellent piece of work in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. You hate to see your flawless PowerPoint presentation go to waste now that the presentation is over. With the aid of SlideShare, you can repurpose those fantastic PowerPoint presentations into slide decks. Modify your PowerPoint presentation’s slides for a targetted consumer audience, upload it to SlideShare, and then embed it in one of your web pages. You now have fresh content that you hardly had to work for.

7. Turn your content into an ‘instructographic’ on Pinterest

Instructographics are similar to infographics, except the design should have a teaching component. Because it is visual and valuable, content like this occupies most of Pinterest. Your old ‘how-to’ posts would be good places to try out an instructographic.

8. Repurpose questions-answers on Quora into a blog post

Real user questions on a wide range of topics are available on Quora. Find a question that seems promising (ideally one with several upvotes indicating it’s in high demand), write a blog post outlining an answer, and then respond to the question on Quora by attaching a link to your more informative blog post answer. You’ll receive traffic from people looking for an in-depth response. It would help you in fulfilling the aim of content repurpose, meaning more engagements and better circulation.

9. Utilize your content through a guest post

You can repurpose content into a guest post, but you might want to create a slightly different version of the original content. But after some good editing and proofreading, you can send your new blog post to websites with a target audience similar to yours. Don’t forget to link back to your blog in your post.

10. Repurpose your content into interactive quizzes

Quizzes requiring participation are engaging. Everyone adores them. Therefore, turn new content into quizzes to engage readers whenever you can. There are many tools available today for creating interactive quizzes. You could make a quiz that assesses the level of knowledge your readers have on the subject of your blog post, one that aids them in decision-making, or something more entertaining.

Thus, you could see the numerous advantages of repurposing content. Now that you know the most unique and fruitful ways to repurpose content, the decision to repurpose content should be a no-brainer.

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